Message from the PTA

This week is a busy week with open house, kindergarten parent night and the Bells Mill Staff returns!

We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Thursday at the open house. Please join us for our annual popsicles on the blacktop after you go to your classroom!. 

Posted in PTA

Donations needed for Staff Welcome Back Breakfast (Thursday, Aug 22)

We continue to be extremely grateful for all of our teachers/staff and their commitment to our students and community! The PTA has a few welcome events planned, including a special breakfast for our teachers/staff on Thursday, August 22, 2024. We would appreciate your support.

Sign up here:

The breakfast is Thursday, August 22nd. Please drop off your donation no later than 7:30 am at the Front door/office. Anything you can do to help make this event great for our teachers/staff would be greatly appreciated.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

3 Volunteers Needed for 1 hour of Financial Review

At the end of each Fiscal Year we are required to have the books of the Bells Mill Elementary PTA undergo a financial review. This is not an audit, you do not need to be a CPA or financial professional to volunteer, and the entire commitment shouldn’t take more than 1-2 hours. Under Free State PTA rules, a committee of three people need to perform the review by reviewing the bank statements, check register, and other documents and confirm them to be correct.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Thank Yous!

Thank you to Amanda Klueger and Shara Reiter and all the volunteers for the Bells Mill Bash! It was the best way to celebrate the end of the year! 

Thank you to all of the parents that helped with the GeoBowls for the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders! 

Thank you to Sapna Banker for the amazing job on the yearbook production and distribution!

And last, but most certainly not least, THANK YOU to our PTA President Deb Palisin for her tireless work on the PTA Board and within the school community.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Bells Mill Bash Tonight!

We’re looking forward to seeing you at Bells Mill Bash tonight, 5:30-8pm on the blacktop and field!

A few notes and reminders:

  • the Bash is ON rain or shine! In case of rain, some activities will be moved inside.
  • walk-up wristbands will be sold by credit card only for $7 each. All children ages 5 to 17 need a wristband. Please find the “walk up sales“ table in front of the blacktop.
  • Check-in will be done by STUDENT last name across 3 tables (A-I, J-R, S-Z) in front of the school building and blacktop.
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Posted in PTA

PTA Communications and Membership Chairs

We are looking for 2 volunteers to take on Chair positions for 2 of our committees. While not elected positions, having these individuals participate more fully in PTA business will help ensure the sustainability of the organization and balance workloads. They work with board members behind the scenes and also participate in board meetings. 

The positions open are for Communications and Membership. If you are interested, please email [email protected]

Posted in PTA

Cabin John Middle School School Supplies for 2024-2025

Order your school supplies for 2024-2025 now! Short window so please don’t delay.

Our school tailored supply kits have everything you need for Cabin John Middle School. We have one kit that includes a zipper/shoulder strap binder and one without, all other elements of the kits are the same. Our program starts today and runs only up to June 21st! Each kit will be delivered to your home the week of August 18th, in time for the new school year.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA