Recap: News from the School on COVID-19

We are sharing the following information that was distributed by the school. Please consult the MCPS website for the latest information.

School Closures

All MCPS schools will be closed starting March 16 until March 27. Please visit  and to stay up-to-date on the latest information.

Instructional Resources

To access online and printable materials, please use the following directions:

  • Select the appropriate grade level button
  • Your child can click the Join Here button to enroll in the course.
  • Your child will need to log in using their MCPS Google account. For Elementary students who do not know their login and password, a ConnectEd message will be sent to all Elementary households on Monday, March 16, 2020. If your child still has difficulty logging in, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
  • Each myMCPS Classroom course includes a welcome letter and further guidance.

While these activities and materials are designed for your child to be engaged independently, please feel free to work with your child as well. In addition to these activities and materials we also encourage families to engage in reading, board games, journaling, and other activities you think are appropriate for your child.

Benchmark Universe

The reading curriculum, Benchmark Universe, is accessible at home! Don’t forget to have your child login to Benchmark Universe to practice their reading. Use your child’s Google username and password to access Benchmark Universe.  Mrs. Abramson, BMES Reading Specialist, has created a screen recording and directions to help you sign in to Benchmark Universe from home.

Meals for Students during School Closure

MCPS has established 20 locations where children up to 18 years old can receive a nutritious meal, starting March 16. No appointment is necessary. Meals will be provided in a grab-and-go format, and will be available Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

For More Information

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